Deadly Surrender Page 14
“So are we good to go home?” Her eyes lit up and he tightened his grip around her.
“Yeah but I think we could probably get a quickie in before we have to leave.” Hell yeah. He needed more of Grace, right now.
She threw her head back and laughed, and he felt that sound all the way to his core. “We better hurry then, because I’m pretty sure this room is a few thousand a night.”
“That’s probably on the low end,” he murmured, his gaze falling to her mouth. “And I’m kidding about the quickie. Wyatt won’t care if we stay the rest of the day.”
Her eyes went heavy-lidded. “Then I’m in. Merry Christmas to me,” she murmured.
“Merry Christmas to me too.” He might hate what had thrown them together, but he loved that he was spending Christmas morning with her.
His cock hardened at the feel of her in his arms, but before he kissed her, before they stopped talking altogether for a while, he said, “Have dinner with me and my parents tonight?”
She blinked. “Of course. Although…are you sure? Because I’m sure your parents want to spend time with you.”
“They want to see both of us, to have a late Christmas dinner with me and you. Roman told me on the way back here to plan on a very casual dinner.”
“Should I bring anything?”
“Just yourself.”
“That sounds like a plan. Though I do have a real present for you.”
“Why don’t you just give me my present now?” He gave her a wicked grin and she laughed again as she jumped him, wrapping her arms and legs around him.
“This will be your first present, then.”
Oh, he would take it, but he wanted more from her. He wanted every Christmas Day from this day forward.
Chapter 19
As Grace headed home in her newly fixed car, she was grateful that the auto repair shop had been open today since it was the day after Christmas. She and Logan had ended up staying at the hotel all day, and then Christmas night. Wyatt had told them to just take another night. She felt a little bad that he’d missed Christmas with his family but it had been so nice to simply be with Logan. They’d taken advantage of room service and the giant whirlpool hot tub in the bathroom. It had been heaven.
Now it was back to reality, but she felt good to be driving her own car again, especially since it was free of bullet holes now. Logan had dropped her off and she’d be meeting him in a few hours to do a belated Christmas with his family.
She was still trying to wrap her mind around everything, including the fact that Brister had come down to Vegas with the sole purpose of killing Logan. And clearly he hadn’t cared who got in his way. Least of all her, some random woman.
She was still angry that he’d tracked them using her cell phone. It kind of surprised her that he had the technological sense to do it, since he was older and a rancher, but that was what she got for making assumptions. She wouldn’t have the first clue about how to track somebody.
It seemed like an eternity and not a month since sleeping with Logan that first time, and then all the insanity of Brister trying to kill them. And…as she pulled up to a stoplight, she realized something disturbing. Quickly, she started doing math in her head and realized that she hadn’t had her period for over a month. Wait, no, that couldn’t be right.
No way, it couldn’t be that long… But yes, she’d had it before Thanksgiving and now it was after Christmas. Ice crept along her veins as reality sank in.
It didn’t mean anything. She’d been under a lot of stress, to put it mildly.
Still… When the light turned green, she took a right instead of a left and drove to the nearby CVS. Even though she felt silly grabbing a pregnancy test, she did it anyway.
She and Logan had used condoms. So very many of them. A ridiculous amount, in fact. But sometimes life happened.
She grabbed a bottle of water as well and started chugging it on the way home. By the time she’d made it home, she couldn’t ignore the pressure in her bladder and hurried to the bathroom, test in hand.
It didn’t matter that she told herself she was making a big deal out of this, that she’d just wasted fifteen dollars. She still had to check.
Just in case.
Chapter 20
Grace fought the nausea swelling through her as she knocked on Logan’s front door. This was so much different than the last time she’d been here. Even though they were safe from that lunatic Brister, she now had a whole other issue to deal with. One she was going to put off talking about until later.
For a brief second she thought about turning and running away like a coward but the door swung open before she could.
Logan stood there, wonderful Logan with a big smile, and he immediately pulled her into a hug. “I’m glad you’re here.” He kissed her soundly on the mouth before stepping back and tugging her inside.
Breathless and still nervous, she managed to smile. She’d come by tonight to celebrate Christmas the day after with his family, but she just wanted to curl up under her covers and not come out. She’d said she would be here though, and if she’d canceled, Logan would have worried—and would have likely checked on her. “I’m glad to be here,” she said, injecting happiness in her voice even though her mind was a chaotic mess.
He narrowed his gaze slightly. “Grace—”
“Grace!” Taylor came bounding in with a pointed, green-and-red-striped elf hat on. “You’ve got to try this eggnog!”
The thought of eggnog made her want to puke. Actually, the thought of anything did. Maybe that pregnancy test was a mistake. It had to be, right? They’d used so many damn condoms. She simply couldn’t be pregnant. Even though panic swelled, she shoved it down for now. She could get through dinner and then she would handle her emotions at home. And try to process them.
“I would love some hot tea.” Maybe that would settle her nerves.
“Yeah, I heard you guys got into the champagne yesterday,” Taylor said, pulling her into a tight hug. “I’ve missed you!”
Despite herself she laughed lightly. “I haven’t even been gone that long.”
“I know, but I missed talking on the phone, texting, and we had all those plans to go to the movies and do fun classes.”
“We’ll definitely catch up on those, I promise.” She still had a few days before school started back up, and right now all she could think about was seeing her doctor.
Logan curled his arm around her shoulders. “Come on, everyone’s waiting on the back patio. They’ve got a stack of presents for us out there.”
“Us?” she asked, looking up at him. God, how was he going to react if this was really happening? They’d only just solidified their relationship. This was something neither of them were ready for.
“Oh yeah, my parents got you presents too.”
“I feel a little bad—I didn’t get them anything.”
“It doesn’t matter, trust me. They’re just happy we’re here.”
Even though she was fighting stupid nerves in her belly, she pulled a present out of her purse for him. “I got this for you. It’s not a huge deal or anything—”
“Don’t do that. Whatever it is, it’s amazing.” He plucked it from her hand, his eyes searching hers.
She had put a lot of thought into it. “I’m pretty sure you’re going to love it.”
He started to respond, then they stepped outside onto the patio and he hadn’t been kidding. There was a stack of presents on the table and everybody was sitting around the stone fire pit near the pool. Both his parents stood when they saw her and she suddenly found herself enveloped in hugs by everyone, including Roman. The whole thing brought up another swell of emotions and she had to shove them all back again.
“We’re so happy you guys are out of the woods. I can only imagine how terrifying that must have been for you,” Logan’s mom said, dragging Grace toward the chair right next to her.
Logan swooped in before she could sit and sat down instead, tugging her into his lap
She felt somewhat more settled in his arms, but she didn’t like keeping this from him. It was just one test and might not mean anything. It could easily be a mistake—it wasn’t like she had any symptoms—but it was all she could focus on even as she responded to Logan’s mom that yes, things had been terrifying.
“First I have to open this present from Grace,” Logan said, changing the subject and quieting everyone down.
She hated being the center of attention but everyone stared at them as he opened the envelope. When he saw what was inside, his eyes widened.
“You don’t have to take me or anything,” she murmured. “I just knew you really wanted to go.”
He kissed her soundly on the mouth, stealing her breath for a moment. Just like that, the tension melted out of her for a few blissful seconds.
“This is awesome!” Roman said as he grabbed the tickets. “Tickets to O by Cirque du Soleil. How did you get front-row seats? This is always sold out.”
“One of the teachers I work with. Her husband has an in and he hooked me up.”
“Thank you,” Logan murmured, kissing her again. “And I’m definitely taking you.”
His words warmed her up from the inside out.
“Present time!” Taylor grabbed two bags from the table and handed them to Grace and Logan.
As she opened the presents from his parents, more warmth spread through her even as it mixed with fear. Because if she was really pregnant, it would ruin everything. She and Logan had been building to something wonderful. She loved him. But…this changed everything. It was one thing to be ready for a relationship, but something entirely different to be ready for parenthood. That was…too much.
Even as she tried not to think about it, it seemed that it was all she could think about.
By the time they finished unwrapping presents, she was on the verge of tears, though she was hiding it.
Everyone was so damn wonderful and this gave her a glimpse of what having a great family could be like. Yet she felt absolutely out of place even though she and Logan were actually dating now. They weren’t faking anymore, but still, she felt as if she didn’t fit in and she knew that was her own issue to deal with.
Combined with the potential pregnancy? She was just emotionally overwhelmed right now, that was all.
She had a damn degree in psychology. She knew that was what was going on. But it didn’t do anything to ease the racing thoughts in her head. The tension spreading across the back of her skull.
“Thank you guys so much.” She tucked a pretty cashmere scarf into one of the gift bags where she was storing the rest of her presents. “This scarf is really beautiful.”
“I got that after I met you because I knew it would look beautiful on you,” his mom said, beaming at her.
Everyone started talking at once, then Taylor talked about playing some kind of Christmas game.
“I’ll be back in a minute,” she whispered to Logan and hurried inside.
In the bathroom she splashed cold water on her face and pushed back the tears. “Get it together,” she ordered herself. The cold water helped her feel a little better but when she stepped out of the bathroom and nearly ran into Logan, she jerked to a halt.
“What’s going on?” he demanded quietly.
“What do you mean?”
“Something’s bothering you. I don’t think anyone else can tell, but I know you. What’s going on? Are you having a hard time dealing with everything?” His expression softened as he watched her.
“Yes, it’s just a whole lot.” Which was true. To an extent.
His gaze narrowed slightly. “Don’t lie to me. We don’t lie to each other.”
“It’s nothing. I don’t want to talk about it here.” She kept her voice low even though everyone was still outside.
He stepped forward, practically barreling his way into the bathroom so that she had to step back.
He shut the door behind them. “Talk. Now.” His expression was so full of concern that she wanted to cry.
“Look, it’s—”
“Don’t say nothing. Please tell me what’s going on, Grace.”
Oh, she didn’t want to do this here, but she could tell he wasn’t letting this go and it was eating her up inside to keep it from him. “Fine, but for the record, I didn’t want to ruin tonight.”
“Are you breaking up with me?”
She blinked, shocked. “No…I realized I missed my period. So I took a pregnancy test.” She might as well just get it out there. “It came back positive, but it might mean nothing. I’m going to see a doctor next week and have them do a blood test. It’ll be more accurate.”
He dropped his arms from his defensive stance and stared at her. “Are you serious?”
Her insides squirmed, her heart thudding in her ears. “I know we used a lot of condoms that night a month ago, but maybe one broke or something.”
“You don’t have to say anything. It’s why I didn’t want to bring this up here. In fact, I’m sorry I did.” She closed her eyes for a long moment and took a deep breath.
“Grace, if you’re pregnant, we’ll get married and—”
Her eyes snapped open. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop right there. No one is getting married.”
“I love you.” He said the words so simply.
“Logan! Seriously, stop. We’re not doing this in your guest bathroom.”
“Why not? I do love you and if you’re pregnant, we are getting married.”
The tension headache that had been teasing her fully spread across the back of her skull now. “You’re not seriously telling me we’re going to get married in a freaking bathroom right now. Let’s just wait until I go see a doctor, okay? Then we’ll make some decisions.”
“Why do you keep pushing me away?”
“I’m not pushing you away! I just don’t want to talk about this right now.”
“I know you got burned by your ex. But I am not him. Not even close. And if I ever see that loser again—”
“Oh my God, I don’t want to talk about him.”
“Why not? I feel like he’s always in the room with us. As if I’m being blamed for things he did!”
Her eyes widened. “You can’t be serious.”
“No…I didn’t mean that. I don’t know why I said that. I’m just frustrated. I do understand why you wanted to take things slow, but if you’re pregnant—”
“We’ll cross that bridge if I am. Let’s wait until next week and figure things out. Until then let’s just go back out there and pretend everything’s…normal.”
His jaw tightened. “Are you going to say anything about the fact that I told you I love you?”
“You don’t mean that,” she snapped. “You’re just saying that because you think I might be pregnant.” There was no way that he just all of a sudden had the urge to declare his feelings of love. If he had, he would have told her last night in the hotel room. It had been Christmas and would have been the perfect way to end the day. No way he’d just realized it right this instant.
“Now you’re telling me how I feel?”
She stared at him, wondering how this conversation had gotten so twisted up. “No I’m not, I’m not trying to.” She shoved past him and tugged the bathroom door open. “I’m not doing this now. I simply can’t.” It was getting difficult to breathe and she felt as if she was suffocating in that tiny room. She certainly didn’t want to have an argument in front of his family, but as she stepped into the hall and came face-to-face with his mom she realized that the woman had definitely overheard at least some of their conversation.
Oh, crap. Crap, crap, crap.
His mom looked like a deer caught in headlights as she stood there. “I was just on my way…” She cleared her throat and turned around, hurrying down the hallway as Logan stepped out.
“I’m just going to go,” Grace murmured, near tears again. She was emotionally done for the night, needed to get away from Logan.
“No.” Gently grasping her shoulders, he turned her around. “Don’t leave. We’ll figure this out, but together.”
“Honestly, I’m pretty close to having a breakdown right now. And I really don’t want to cry in front of your family. Please make excuses for me and thank everybody.” Without waiting for a response, she hurried to the kitchen and grabbed her purse.
Maybe this was the wrong decision, but everything felt like too much all of a sudden. The entire last week, the attacks, now thinking she might be pregnant? No. She hadn’t even wanted to come tonight, had wanted time to process it herself first.
Which was what she should’ve done. She should have listened to her instincts.
“Grace, at least let me walk you to your car.” Logan was on her heels, though definitely not trying to stop her.
She wasn’t sure if that made her feel better or worse as he fell in step with her.
When she got in her car, he held his hand on the door so she couldn’t open it. “You don’t have to go,” he rasped out, looking down at her, his expression miserable.
“This isn’t about you, I promise. I’m just really stressed out. And I don’t want to cry in front of your parents.” She was already embarrassed enough about leaving right now. She felt like an emotional wreck and could only imagine how crazy they would think she was.
“Trust me, they’ll understand. But I don’t want you to leave.” There was so much longing in his expression, but she knew that if she stayed, things would just get worse.
She couldn’t paste on a fake smile tonight, and he wasn’t going to let this go. “I’ll text you when I get home.”
Jaw tight, he stepped back, his expression unreadable as she got into the driver’s seat.
She hated leaving but right now she knew it was the best thing to do. For both of them.
As she pulled out of the driveway, she forced herself not to look back at Logan. She felt like a big pile of crap right now, and looking at him was only going to make it worse. She wasn’t sure what had happened, but everything had gone wrong, had gotten so damn twisted so quickly.