Deadly Surrender Read online

Page 10

  Before that, she needed to center herself more. Nerves danced through her and she needed to stretch her legs, to walk off some of this wild energy pulsing through her. Because once they crossed that line, there was no going back.

  Who was she kidding? They’d already crossed that line a month ago.

  They were long past the point of no return.

  * * *

  Grace breathed in the crisp, dry desert air as Logan walked ahead of her. He’d told her that his friend was out of the country and knew they were staying at his place. The man had a cleaning service that came in once a week to keep up with dust, but he’d put them on hold while Grace and Logan were here. So no one should be nearby.

  Huge cacti and underbrush were thick around the property, beautiful in a wild sort of way. She knew in about four months there would be tons of purples, pinks and yellows with the wildflowers that grew out here. For now, the red from the clay earth and rocks was the only spot of color as they trekked along the well-worn path. Though maybe path was an exaggeration. A rocky, dusty walkway that was just big enough for one person at a time extended around the whole property, according to Logan, stretching on for a couple miles before looping back to the house.

  He was about twenty feet ahead of her, scouting for potential danger—though he thankfully didn’t expect any out here.

  Since no one knew where they were, some of her tension had eased. Though not all of it, considering they couldn’t go home and so much was in the air until the police figured out who was behind everything.

  But at least she was with Logan. He had a way of making everything seem better, of making her feel safe even with all the craziness that had happened. He always had a positive attitude about things, which was a refreshing change from her ex.

  Again, she hated that she was comparing the two, but damn, it was so hard not to. It was like comparing night and day. Sure, Logan had a reputation as a player but…she was going with her instinct. He’d been so honest with her and was always kind to those around him. Her especially.

  He made her feel special and valued. And she totally needed to get out of her head right now.

  Stepping over a rock jutting out from the side of the pathway, she looked up and smiled at Logan who was hacking away at some of the thick underbrush ahead. He’d shoved his sleeves up, showing off sexy, muscular forearms she wanted to stroke her fingers over.

  He started to smile at her, but froze.

  Immediately her heart rate kicked up and she glanced over her shoulder. Had someone found them here? No, impossible.

  “Grace, listen to me carefully.” Logan’s voice carried through the quiet air.

  Heart in her throat, she turned back to him and nodded, afraid to move.

  “There’s a big speckled rattlesnake to the right of you. It’s blending in but I can see it from here. It is highly poisonous and it wasn’t there when I passed by.”

  Her entire body flushed hot then cold as icy fingers scraped down her spine. Swallowing hard, she looked in the direction he’d indicated and saw the huge snake in a tight, round coil. Ready to strike.

  “Take a step back. Slowly.”

  She did as he said, staring at the coiled-up snake. Heart racing in a staccato beat, she took another step back when the serpent uncoiled, lifting its head to stare right at her.

  She felt frozen to the spot. She was vaguely aware of Logan moving toward her, his machete in hand as she took another step backward.

  When the snake started shaking its tail, rattling wildly, sweat dotted her upper lip and down her back as she tried to force her legs to move faster.

  Move. Move. Move.

  She didn’t want to bolt and freak the thing out, but all her instincts were screaming at her to sprint away for her life.

  As she took another step back, then another, she lost her balance as she collided with the rock she’d jumped over before. “Shit!” She threw out her hands to stop herself as she tumbled backward.

  The snake launched in her direction, the dry shaking of the rattle loud in her ears as she tumbled over the rock. A sharp pop of pain fractured through her shoulder as she rammed into another rock. Ignoring the pain, she rolled onto all fours and pushed up. Little pebbles dug into her palms as she shoved to her feet and stumbled back.

  Swish. Swish.

  By the time she managed to steady herself, Logan was standing over the dead snake, bloody machete in hand. She stared in shock for a long moment. She hadn’t even seen him strike.

  “Are you okay?” Logan leapt over the rock in one quick leap.

  Wincing, she wiped her palms on her pants. “Yeah. Just a little dusty and I hit my shoulder.” She’d feel it tomorrow for sure. But she hadn’t been bitten by a poisonous snake, so she was taking the win.

  He took one of her hands in his and frowned as he brushed away some little pebbles. “Looks like you got a few scrapes. Let’s head back and clean you up.”

  “For some reason I wasn’t even thinking about snakes.” She shuddered as they headed back, realizing there was a whole lot of other wildlife out here. Cougars, coyotes, anything. “I think I’m going to stay inside the whole time we’re here,” she muttered.

  To her surprise he didn’t laugh, he simply squeezed her shoulder as he moved in behind her. “I think you deserve a hot bath and to relax.”

  “So do you,” she said, looking over her shoulder at him.

  His lips actually kicked up. “I’m not exactly a bath kind of person.”

  “Even if you have company?”

  “Only if the company is you.”

  Oh damn.

  He looked away, scanning their surroundings in the same intense way she’d seen him do since they arrived. He was always aware of everything, it seemed. Always ready to protect her.

  His last words reached deep inside her, sending a push of warmth everywhere throughout her. She’d already trusted him with her body. It was definitely time to trust him with her heart.

  A month of fantasizing and living on memories was at an end.

  Chapter 15

  Grace stepped out of the huge, masculine bedroom feeling a bit better. Logan had helped her clean up her hands once they’d gotten back to the house, and even though her shoulder was sore, the rock hadn’t broken her skin at least. She could deal with a bruise. The shower, however, was the only reason she was feeling human right now.

  In fresh lounge pants, a pullover sweater and with slightly damp hair, she entered the living room and her heart skipped a beat when she saw a small Christmas tree set up next to the electric fireplace. “What’s all this?” she asked Logan as he strode into the room carrying a little brown bag.

  “I was hoping to be done before you came out. I’m almost finished.” He pulled a small ornament out of the bag and put the sparkly red ball on the tree.

  Okay, how sweet was this? Her instinct was right on with this man. “Where did you get all this?”

  “I actually brought it with me. I tucked it away in the back of the truck. I hate that you’re missing Christmas, so I thought I’d bring it to you.”

  “You’re the one missing it with your family.” And his family was a whole lot better than hers. She’d planned to have Christmas dinner with a group of friends. Heck, she hadn’t even talked to her mom about holiday plans, which was very much normal for the two of them. They rarely talked on the phone and she couldn’t remember the last holiday they’d spent together. Maybe…when she’d been in high school.

  “Like I said, I get to spend it with you.” He shrugged and put a silver and white ornament on the tree.

  Okay, she was officially melting.

  Crossing the living room, she reached into the bag and pulled out an ornament, unable to miss that electric shock when their fingers grazed each other. “I’m glad I get to spend it with you too. The only thing we need to add to this is Christmas music.”

  Grinning, he handed her the bag and picked up a remote control from one of the side tables. Moments later soft
instrumental music was playing from hidden speakers throughout the room.

  Considering the tree was only four feet tall and already had a string of lights on, it didn’t take long to put the rest of the ornaments on it. Once they finished, Logan plugged it in and she smiled at the cheerful, glittering display. It seemed brighter, homier, next to the fireplace, and the sight made her long for something she’d never had. Something she wanted with Logan.

  To her horror, tears suddenly sprang to her eyes.

  Logan let out a soft curse as he cupped her cheeks, swiping away the few errant tears that spilled over. “Don’t cry,” he said quietly.

  “These are happy tears, I promise. Or they’re a mix, I guess. I’m just feeling really overwhelmed and emotional right now. And what you did, that you thought to even bring a tree and ornaments, is incredibly sweet. More than sweet. You’re so wonderful.” The words came out a little like an accusation because he was breaking down all her barriers. Simply knocking them down like they were dominoes and she was powerless to protect herself from it.

  “Grace,” he murmured, then paused, as if he wanted to say more. Instead he dipped his head, moving slowly, giving her time to stop him.

  Nope. The chance to stop this train had passed. And she didn’t want to put the brakes on anyway. She’d been fighting this for too long, trying to take baby steps with him. Well, screw baby steps. She was still a little afraid of being hurt, but she didn’t want to miss her chance. And this felt like the start of something new for them.

  As he slanted his mouth over hers something inside her snapped free. She flashed back on the night in the hotel room as he’d slid his tongue inside her mouth, teasing, testing, making her want him even more. When he’d pressed her up against the shower wall, water pulsing around them as he’d thrust into her, over and over. All those naked memories were at the forefront of her brain and she wanted it all over again. Wanted him so bad she was practically trembling with the need.

  Leaning into him, she linked her fingers together behind his neck, holding on for dear life.

  At the same time he deepened their kiss, pressing his body against hers even as she lifted her leg and wrapped it around him—as if she was going to climb him like a damn tree. Which sounded like a good idea.

  Even though the temperature in the room was perfect, she felt too hot, too needy, too something. She wanted him inside her right now, wanted to feel joy and pleasure and she wanted it with him. Only him. She’d completely fallen for him and there was no sense in denying it to herself any longer.

  As if he’d read her mind, or maybe just sensed her mood, he pulled back a fraction. “Here or the bedroom?” he growled out, the words raspy and unsteady.

  Oh, they were definitely on the same page. They were getting naked and she couldn’t wait until they got to the bedroom. It was too far.

  “Here.” Right on the floor. Or the couch. She didn’t care. She just wanted a flat surface and him inside her. Feeling manic with hunger for him, she jumped up, wrapping her legs around him as he groaned into her mouth.

  He easily held her as he knelt down on the soft, fluffy rug stretched out in front of the fireplace. The man had such an incredible, raw strength and it was a huge turn-on.

  She arched her hips into him as he tugged her sweater off. Her lounge pants went next, a blur of cotton material tossed to the side—and she hadn’t bothered with panties. Maybe because she’d hoped this would happen. But when he would have dipped his head between her legs, she grabbed onto his T-shirt. She wanted him, but it was her turn to see what she’d been missing.

  “No way. I’ve been fantasizing about that body for a month.” She grinned at the surprise playing on his face. “That can’t really be a shock, can it?”

  “Well I am pretty incredible,” he murmured, tugging his shirt off and revealing that eight-pack she’d had dirty dreams about. “But I guarantee your fantasies have nothing on mine. I’ve been obsessed. I’ve been jerking off to thoughts of you every damn night for the last month.”

  A shiver trailed down her spine at his words. Obsessed? Yeah, she was right there too. And it scared the hell out of her. What happened if he got bored with her or realized she wasn’t really special at all?

  Noooo. She shut down that annoying, bullshit insecurity that wanted to bubble up inside her and reached for the button of his pants. He was here with her now because he wanted to be. And when he looked at her, it was as if she was the only person who existed for him. She needed to let go of her own bullshit, just throw it away.

  When she couldn’t get his button free he took over and tugged his pants off, but not before grabbing a condom. Thankfully one of them was thinking clearly because her brain had basically turned into mush.

  “On your back first,” she rasped out. She wanted to taste him, had been thinking about it for a while. She wanted to get him worked up and so crazy with lust for her, just the way she was for him. And she loved how he groaned when she went down on him. That sound alone was empowering and heady.

  He paused but laid back, stretching out like a god in front of her. His erection was thick and heavy, jutting forward and begging for her to touch.

  Kneeling in between his legs, she couldn’t bite back her own groan as she wrapped her fingers around his hard length. “I’ve been masturbating to the memory of you too,” she whispered as she stroked him once, long and firm.

  He shuddered. “Fuuuuck. You are really good for my ego.”

  Smiling at that, she leaned forward and slowly, gently licked the underside of his shaft. He’d teased her more than once and she was going to do the same to him.

  He cursed, clutching the big rug underneath them instead of sliding his fingers through her hair like she’d expected.

  Maybe he was still trying to hold on to his control. Well, she was going to make him lose it. Continuing to tease him, she rubbed his thick length against her cheek, loved exactly how silky-soft his cock was on her skin.

  “Killing me,” he growled. “Such a pretty, fucking tease.”

  She smiled at the tremble in his voice and teased the head of his cock with her tongue. His thigh muscles tightened and his breathing kicked up.

  Oh, she was getting him there all right. Without warning, she sucked him into her mouth, deep.

  “Fuuuuck, Grace.” He groaned out her name like a prayer and she liked how powerful it made her feel. She loved getting this big, wonderful man all worked up for her. She hated the reason they were here, but she was glad that it was just the two of them right now. Glad they could enjoy and explore each other with no interruptions and no outside world bothering them.

  Dipping her head again, she continued teasing him, over and over, pulling him deep into her mouth. He trembled underneath her until he suddenly grabbed her shoulders.

  She lifted her head, looking up the length of his work-of-art body. “What?”

  “I’m not coming in your mouth this time.” His dark eyes were filled with heat, all for her. “I’ve waited too long.”

  She’d barely nodded before he had her flat on her back and underneath him, all that power pulsing against her. God, the man was incredible. She loved the feel of all his hard muscles on top of her, pushing her down against the rug.

  He crushed his mouth over hers as he stretched out fully on top of her, cupping her mound and gently teasing a finger along her slick folds, but not penetrating. He didn’t even wait, just went straight for where she wanted him most.

  And yeah, she was definitely wet for him. How could she not be? The hot pulse between her legs was a constant and only he could ease her ache.

  He groaned into her mouth and started kissing a scorching path along her jawline before nibbling on her ear.

  He knew how much that drove her crazy, that barely there bite that sent shivers spiraling throughout her. She arched up into him, clutching his shoulders tightly. All the muscles in her body were pulled taut with anticipation because she knew what was coming. Knew how thick he was and how
incredible he felt thrusting inside her. She’d been fantasizing about it for a month.

  She rolled her hips against his hand and he immediately slid a finger inside her.

  Her inner walls tightened around him but his finger was definitely not enough. It took the edge off a little, however, as he continued his teasing kisses down her body.

  He took his time with her breasts as she slid her fingers through his thick hair, holding him close.

  “More.” It came out half demand, half plea. She needed more than this, something he no doubt understood.

  Making a regretful sound, he pulled away from her rock-hard nipple and kept going, not stopping until he was between her legs.

  Placing his hands on her inner thighs, he stared down at her sex as if she was a Christmas present. In that moment, something inside her shifted.

  Seriously, this man completely owned her heart. Why had she been fighting this? She knew the answer but it wasn’t important. Not now, not in this space between them. Not when he deserved all of her focus.

  He dipped his head between her legs and oh so gently, too gently, flicked his tongue against her clit. It wasn’t nearly enough pressure.

  “Who’s the tease now?” she growled. All her muscles trembled, her inner walls tightening around his finger, and she needed so much more.

  He chuckled against her sensitive skin. “You love it,” he murmured.

  She did. Waaaaaay too much. “Foreplay later. It’s been a whole month. I need to take the edge off.”

  He flicked her clit again, still not with enough pressure. “This is payback for destroying me at the arcade.” He chuckled again, the sound reverberating through her.

  Despite how tense she was, how tight her muscles were, she found herself laughing as well. She’d never really laughed during sex before, not like she did with Logan.